Chumlee - Mommy & Daddy miss you so much ❤️

by Carolyn

Chumlee crossed the rainbow bridge on Sunday October 20, 2019
This last 24 hours without you has been excruciating. No bark when we return home and not having the pressure of your body next to my legs at night is breaking my heart. I can’t sleep and food doesn’t taste good. Daddy and I both cried off and on yesterday. I smelled your collar and closed my eyes and for a moment you were present. At 9 you were still so young but the last year was hard on you with the diagnosis of diabetes & Cushing. You went blind & then we got your cataract surgery so you could see. Watching you chase birds in the park this summer brought us such joy. Your bro Romeo misses you and is looking for you all over the house. Thank you sweet boy for filling our house with memories and showing us pure love. I wasn’t ready & my heart has a vacuum inside that I can’t fill and the hurt is so real. Miss you forever Mommy

Comments for Chumlee - Mommy & Daddy miss you so much ❤️

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Oct 25, 2019
Puppy love
by: Kim

So sorry for your loss. What an adorable little friend.💜😪

Oct 23, 2019
In the Loss of your Chumlee
by: Kristyl

I am so sorry you lost your beautiful boy...he was so handsome and I'm sure he loved every minute of his time spent with will be together again one day...Love never ever dies. Much love from us here.

Oct 23, 2019
by: T St Louis

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boy Chumlee was. We all understand your pain, prayers for you and family.

Oct 23, 2019
So sorry for your loss
by: Cindy

Your Chumlee was a beautiful boy, I feel your pain.
I lost my beautiful boy in March, I still have rough days but it gets better with time.
Please take care of yourselves and God bless.

Oct 23, 2019
So sorry for your loss
by: Cindy

Your Chumlee was a beautiful boy, I feel your pain.
I lost my beautiful boy in March, I still have rough days but it gets better with time.
Please take care of yourselves and God bless.

Oct 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. No words I can say will make it better. I have been there.

Oct 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

There is no greater life than a schnauzer.Im so sorry for your loss.i know the pain I've lost 3 in the last 5 years.Peace

Oct 23, 2019
by: Jessica

I am so sorry for your loss. RIP Chumlee. <3

Oct 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

Prayers lifted for the loss of your fur baby! There is nothing like the love of a schnauzer.

Oct 23, 2019
Loving our fur babies
by: Anonymous

So very sorry for your loss. My wife's fur baby Sara left us six month's ago and she misses her so much. My dog looks so much like your dear baby. It would be so hard to lose her and pray it it will be a long time coming.

Oct 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I know what a vacuum is left. I too lost my ms girl recently on Sept. 22/19.

Oct 23, 2019
by: Kim

So sorry to hear about the loss of your little angel. Sending big hugs to help you through this difficult time.

Oct 23, 2019
So sorry
by: Jackie

How beautiful was he. RIP Chumlee. So sorry for you and your loss.

Oct 23, 2019
by: Karen

Where there are loving memories there can be no lasting loneliness.

Oct 23, 2019
My deepest condolences.
by: Mandy

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your boy Chumlee. It's never easy to lose any of our furry friends. I just had a year without my girl Lexi. And on 8/7/19 a year without my boy Dallas. They were mom and son. It has been a very long year without them. I know your heartache. We now have Wally, and that makes life much more enjoyable. RIP Chumlee, Dally and Lexi will be there to meet you!

Oct 22, 2019
by: Linda

God bless you little one I lost my Horatio when he was 9 to lymphoma. They take a part of our heart ❤️.

Oct 22, 2019
Love schnauzers and all other kind of dogs
by: Gilbert & Jan

I am so sorry for your loss I can relate we have lost 2 beautiful loving schnauzers. They are like family and we still miss them very much. God be with you

Oct 22, 2019
RIP Chumlee ❤
by: Stephanie

I am so sorry for your loss. Chumlee was a cutie and obviously very loved.

I lost my 7 yr old mini schnauzer, Kipton, back in December 2017. I felt just like you described. I was heartbroken. But I can tell you that it does get better.

I hope that soon you can find joy and peace through your memories of Chumlee.


Oct 22, 2019
So very sorry
by: Nanette

So very sorry for your loss of your beautiful boy. I lost a little schnauzer girl to kidney failure. She had just turned 6. It feels like more than we can handle but somehow, we get through. The terrible feeling will never go away but in time, the sweet memories will replace the tears when you think of him. Just know that you will see him again.

Oct 22, 2019
Diet for diabetic mininschnauzer
by: Sam Parthasarathy

My heart goes to you and your husband. I have a six year old, Nina, who is my life. How was diabetes detected? What was the diet plan? What do you recommend?

Oct 22, 2019
by: Sharon

Our mini schnauzer died from diabetes also! We were very luck that he had a heart attack or stroke and died on his own terms. I hope he meets our Duffy and they both run and eat whatever the want. Remember the smiles and laughs he brought you. I am so sorry.

Oct 22, 2019
Your baby
by: Mary and Heidi

So sorry. Know how this feels. It takes a lot of time.

Oct 22, 2019
Farewell to Chumlee
by: Jill Horton

Looks a lot like our Rooney. Wish our pets could live as long as we do, then we could cross the bridge/river together! 😢

Oct 22, 2019
so sorry
by: Anonymous

I am sooo sorry for your loss, they just aren't with us near long enough. Hugs!

Oct 22, 2019
not enough words
by: Anonymous

There are not enough words to console your family on the passing of Chumlee. He was a joy on this earth and will be waiting with joy on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

Oct 22, 2019
Schnauzers Rule
by: Anonymous

So So Sorry for your loss🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Oct 22, 2019
So sorry
by: Tina

I am so very sorry for your loss. This heartbreak has no comparison. My own 12 year old blind and diabetic mini may be there at anytime and I don't know how I will cope. Losing a beloved furbaby leaves such a hole in us that nothing can fill. Hold his brother close and give him the comfort he needs to heal too.
I hope that your pain eases with time. It does get better with time. I lost a beloved golden retriever over 12 years ago and thought I would never love another dog again. Then a little 3 year old mini needed me almost 10 years ago and my world changed forever once again.
Hugs to you both!!

Oct 22, 2019
May memories and pictures bring comfort
by: Anonymous

May he live in your heart and may memories and lots of pictures bring comfort. We still cry over our two schnauzers who have crossed the rainbow bridge as we love and care for our third schnauzer. Life is just better with a schnauzer and with schnauzer memories!

Oct 22, 2019
So sorry
by: Anonymous

I am sooo sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts. You gotta believe we will see our fur babies again.

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