A Tribute to Miniature Schnauzer Jake

by Cheryl
(Desoto, TX)

Miniature Schnauzer, My guy Jake

Miniature Schnauzer, My guy Jake

Jake was my beloved companion for 15 of his 17 years. I adopted him as a rescue who was picked up running the streets.

At first Jake was stand-offish and would hardly interact with the family. Not knowing his background it was hard to know why he disliked small children, men or anything that looked like a stick. But eventually he came around or we learned how to deal with his unique "characteristics" and he became part of the family. He never however learned to love getting a bath!

Jake always wanted to be with his "mommy". If I was working in the yard he would bark until I brought him outside with me. When I came home from work a little gray head would pop up from the back of the couch just about the time I pulled up in front of the house. Had he been there all day?

Over the last couple of years Jake was completely deaf so we learned to communicate a little differently. Jake would bark for me to come find him since he couldn't hear where I was and I had to use hand gestures to get him to come in the house or anything else.

About 18 months before he died, Jake got a terrible inner ear infection. He was very sick and unable to eat off and on for about a month. He was weak and I had to carry him up and down the stairs. However, after he recovered he decided he LIKED being carried up and down the stairs and would bark at the top or bottom for me to carry him! (I didn't indulge him that far!) He would also sit at the bottom of the stairs and bark when it was time to go to bed (he needed me to put him up on the bed too!)

One night about 10 days before Jake died he woke up coughing. I got up to take him outside but a couple of steps out of the door he let out a sort of scream and fell down with a seizure. I had known from the beginning he had a heart murmur. He now had congestive heart failure but with meds was expected to do okay for his age of 17. However, it was not to be. The meds made him so sick. He wouldn't eat and would barely drink water. He grew weaker every day until finally he couldn't even walk or stand. I knew then what would have to be done....

Jake crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Feb 3,2010. The day I took him to the vet's I made the decision to have him cremated which I had never considered before then. I am so glad I did. Jake was the first dog that was really MY dog...I miss him so much. He was my little punkin' guy and I know he is waiting for me.....

Comments for A Tribute to Miniature Schnauzer Jake

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Dec 27, 2018
Schnauzer's Kisses are the Best
by: Jasmine's Companion

Jake and Jasmine would have been great friends! Jasmine is my little girl, now 14 1/2. This last year she has been treated for Heart Valve Disease. Started treatment January 2018 when her breathing was very rapid and she had acute congestive heart failure, the vet ER cardiologist put her on heart meds and diuretics and low sodium diet. We have been lucky to have quality of life this year. November they adjusted her meds as her disease progresses, and this pushed her into kidney failure. She survived this after four days in ER and bounced back! For 14 1/2, she acts like she is four and full of life, always a huge greeting when I return home from work, when she is ready for dinner and of course, always up for a walk. She is very social and friendly and loves to engage other dogs in play. Because she acts normal, it is hard to believe that she fights for her life daily while on these meds, it is a balancing act to keep her out of heart failure, while making sure it is not too much meds to push her into kidney failure again. We are very blessed, and I watch her like a hawk. She is my hearty and strong little Miniature Schnauzer girl, that loves living life. We send blessings and love to you and Jake who lives on forever in your heart and soul. Thank you for your tribute to Jake!

Nov 19, 2018
My Babies Dezi, aka Puppy and Shaulin
by: Beverly

My two miniature Schnauzers, Puppy and Shaulin were litter mates and I had Puppy from 5 weeks old and then took Shaulin about 4-5 years ago. Last Thursday, 10/15/2018 Shaulin started coughing and I thought she had something in her throat. She fell over and was stiff. I did what I thought would be cpr and revived her. She was fine on Friday. Both she and Puppy panted a lot and snored. I took them to the groomer on Saturday and after about an hour, they called and said they had rushed Shaulin to the vet (which happened to be our vet. They said her tongue had turned gray and she looked bad. I rushed there only to find out that it was Puppy, not Shaulin and OMG she was in really bad shape. The vet said he had noticed in June that she had a murmur but never thought to tell me. I had no idea. I had to let her go. My daughter went to the groomer to get Shaulin and she fell out in the parking lot. My daughter brought her straight to the vet, he xrayed and said she had grade 3 murmur and gave her some pills. Told my daughter to bring her in Tuesday. He had 15-20 patients in waiting room. He knew she was dying and should have taken care of it then and there. We got her home, she had 4 more episodes and we took her to the Emergency animal hospital. I lost them both on the same day. I am having them cremated together. Puppy was my best friend for all of her 11 years and Shaulin was for the last few years of her life. I miss them both so much I can barely function. My Jack Russell is 15 and just look lost. It was so very sudden no signs other than panting as they always had done. If the vet had seen fit to tell me in June maybe we could have done something. One of their other litter mates is also grade 3 murmur.

Oct 27, 2018
Heart gave out
by: Amanda

We lost our 11 year Mocha this summer. I referred to him as my eternal puppy. Always by my side, energetic and so sweet. One day on a walk he stopped and wouldn't go any further. So out of character for him. I carried him home and contacted my sister who is a vet out of town. She told me to let him lie down and to count the number of breaths each minute. They were three times the number and she told me he was in heart failure. It was acute heart failure because it came on all of the sudden with no symptoms. I rushed him to the vet and he was put on two medications. I took him back to the vet each week to check on him and he was fine. He died in his sleep three weeks later. We are still so devastated. I was told that once acute heart failure occurs, the heart is very sick and dogs don't usually live a year. Oh what we would have done to have another year. We love and miss our Mocha Bear.

Sep 11, 2018
Top dogs
by: Chris

What a star Jake must have been and lived a great long live filled with love.
My wife and I recently lost the last of our Mini Schnauzer Family. Oscar was our very first and we ended up with having his brother, then we bred with him and had a son and eventually ended up with his mum after she was retired from breeding.
Oscar was just over 13 years of age and like Jake a little star and filled our hearts with joy.He went deaf about a year or so ago and was diagnosed with a grade 4 heart murmur earlier in the year. 4 weeks ago he nearly passed out on his regular walk so rushed him to the vet's and it was confirmed his heart was failing. They put him on medication which he was coping with and still up for walks but these were shortened walks and done at his pace. Unfortunately it was on one of his walks after having a lovely day that he was attacked by an Alsatian. We rushed him to the vet's he was put on oxygen but he crashed 3 times. Each time they got his heart going but there was no output from the brain and so we had to let our gorgeous boy go. I wanted it to be his choice when he wanted to go not somebody/something deciding for him. Each and everyone of our schnauzer have filled our hearts with joy, just like your lovely little Jake. I just thought I'd share Oscars story with you. Take care, Chris and Janette from Emsworth, England

Feb 26, 2018
When is it time to let goe
by: Anonymous

Not sure what to do. Chloe is in end stages. Coughing is very bad but vet said doesn't hurt her.I sometimes wonder about that.her behavior became very needy which is fine. Sleeps next to my head. I wonder if she is asking me to let her go. Appetite still good and is totally deaf. Do not know when it is time as never want her to suffer. Been on mess for about a year.

Sep 06, 2015
My beautiful little mini Schnauzer Sarah, aka ( Princess)
by: Anonymous

My little girl Sarah is thirteen and she has the same issues with her heart. lately i noticed she is panting a lot, and last night her breathing sounded like she had some fluid built up in her lungs.
Otherwise her health is very good, I am dreading the day when she leaves us. As Sarah is our special little girl.

Thank You

Aug 17, 2014
Playmate Sable Crossed the Bridge
by: Jake and Fritz Mom

My sons beautiful 13 yr old Samoyed, Sable, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 2 August, 2014. Jake and little Bart were there to greet her, Fritz misses her here with the rest of us.

Nov 21, 2013
Thinking of Jake
by: Jake's Mom

Last week my sister lost her Min Pin BeBe due to complications of diabetes. Of course her grief brought it all back to when Jake died. It's such a special place they hold in our hearts that when they're gone, the hurt and emptiness is indescribable.

May Jake and BeBe run together over that Rainbow Bridge!

Sep 13, 2011
Lucky Joe the mini Schnauzer
by: Awilda

My Lucky Joe died last night (12/09/2011), he was 13 yrs. old. He was suffering from congested heart failure and he was on meds. During the last few months he was not the same, not as eager to eat or play. He wanted mostly to sleep, but every now and then he was ready to play. In fact on Saturday we were all playing hide and go seek, with his two siblings Happy II and Waldo and of course with me too. He was running around and playing like nothing was wrong and last night after he had his meal he seem to be doing just fine, until he started convulsing, I tried to massage his chest and tried to clear his airway, but he took his last breath in my arms. OMG, what an overwhelming feeling of sadness, I felt so powerless not be able to do anything for him, except to hold him. I miss him so much; the house is not the same without him. My other two schnauzers are just walking around without any interest. Please, please pray for us. Thanks for letting me talk about it. God bless you all.

Feb 23, 2011
Lost my BPF Chance
by: Anonymous

I lost my Chance at age 13 to congestive heart failure last Saturday, 2/19/11. It hurts so bad. He was with me 24/7 as I worked from home. I miss him every minute. It's amazing how such a little person filled such a big space in my life.

I'm glad to hear you got a new Schnauzer friend. I'm sure I'll end up doing the same - not that he/she will replace Chance, but hopefully will bring me some comfort.

Peace to you.

Feb 01, 2011
Missing Jake
by: Anonymous

It is now almost one year to the day that Jake crossed the Rainbow Bridge...I have missed him each and every day since....

Fritz joined my life in March 2010. A mini schnauzer rescue like Jake he has made Jake's passing easier to bear. I believe in my heart Jake would have wanted me to adopt another rescue.

Jake....mommy loves you....

Sep 28, 2010
thoughts of you
by: Sarah

I lost my Annie a month ago from heart failure as well. I ache for you and know the pain of losing your baby. Jake was loved and knew it too! You gave him an amazing life since his first 2 were more than likely not filled with love or happiness. He is with God now and waiting for you to come home where he will greet you

Jun 28, 2010
by: Susan

Your heart was blessed by such a special little guy, but his life was made whole by your love for him. I am so sorry for your loss.

Jun 13, 2010
Read your comment on Leopold
by: Kory

Thank you Cheryl.
I think of Leo every single day. And his sister Natasha. Two of the sweetest souls that I've (personally) ever met. Unfortunately, where I live, there aren't a heck of a lot of schnauzer (or other dog) rescues. Yes there are SPCA and such, but once a person has met a mini-schnauzer, there's no "going back". I am so happy that you've found another soul that you can help. Jake is so proud of you, I'm positive of that.
Don't forget: "...the chain will link again"

Jun 13, 2010
Jake was special, no doubt about it.
by: Kory

My girlfriend and I lost our Leopold in Feb 2010
I think what you did for Jake was the most un-selfish thing ever. He must have been so scared and you gave him all your love, and he returned it!
Just remember that he needed YOU, and it happened.
I'm positive he will be awaiting you for the eternal togetherness you will have.

Jun 10, 2010
by: Janie

I am so sorry for your loss! Min Schnauzers are definitely God's gift to humankind!

Jun 10, 2010
What wonderful memories to treasure
by: Barbiegirl

I am so sorry for your loss of your Beloved Jake. Thanks for sharing how special he was. Our Beloved Furbabies have such a powerful way to show their love for us. I lost my Angel Lucky on May 19, 2010. It is so hard each day without her, but I try to remember all the special memories I have of her when she was well and not when she was sick at the end. Hopefully all the comments will bring you love and support to deal with your loss.

Jun 10, 2010
by: Anna

I am so sorry about your Jake. I lost my Gus in March 2010 and it is devastating. Gus was just 7 and had lymphoma cancer. You are so blessed to have had such a special guy for so long! Aren't rescues wonderful! Take care.

Jun 10, 2010
by: Susan

I am so sorry for your loss of Jake. I lost my baby girl in Jan. Please take comfort in all the good times you shared and know that you will see him again one day.

Jun 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

so sorry to hear of your loss, I can understand you missing Jake as they do become part of your life.

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