A Tribute to Miniature Schnauzer Dexter

by Ashley
(West Hollywood, CA)

Dexter, the love of my life

Dexter, the love of my life

I rescued Dexter from the ASPCA when he was 2 years old - a little spitfire of a Mini Schnauzer that I feel chose me to be his mom because when they put us in the room to get to know one another he ran right up and kissed me on the face - I said that's my dog, I want him!

He was always energetic, playful, protective, and all around wonderful. He was a beautiful dog as well, people would stop me all the time and comment on how gorgeous he was. He made so many people fall in love with the breed any many friends ended up with Mini's after spending time with Dexter, he represented his breed so well.

Aside from a few bouts of pancreatitis and a heart murmur, he had always been a healthy, hearty dog. About 8 months ago I noticed that one of the little fat pads on his lower back seemed bigger than the other. I mentioned it to his vet who said it wasn't unusual for smaller dogs to get pockets of fat there and for them to sometimes be asymmetrical. I accepted that answer and we continued on, but it still continued to grow and finally it became more like a ball, a definite round bump. It was aspirated, examined under the microscope and it was made up of fat cells, reason they felt it was hard was because it was under muscle. It continued to grow and I requested it be removed because it was quite large for a dog his size.

During the surgery the doctor became alarmed because it seemed unusually dense and had grown through the muscle, so to be safe it was sent out for biopsy. The day after Thanksgiving 2010, I got the news that the mass had been a sarcoma. Cancer. The one thing you never want to hear, one of my worst fears realized and I was devastated. I was told the prognosis was 3-6 months, which to me felt like only hours, days, not nearly enough time. I cried a lot then decided we would beat it, Dexter was going to blow those odds out of the water.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I spent the past 3 months changing diets, giving him herbs, supplements, acupuncture, energy healing, any holistic remedy I could find to help him but nothing worked. The mass came back as I was told it would and it came back with a vengeance. It grew to the size of my hand and began affecting his spine and right rear leg about 3 weeks ago. Yesterday morning I woke up to him moaning and crying in pain, despite being on pain medication and unable to even stand, much less walk. As painful as the thought of letting him go was it was far worse for him to be in that kind of pain and suffering, so I made the choice to give him peace. His doctor came to the home last night and I held him as he peacefully released from his pain and suffering. I held him and told him the whole time how much I loved him and how sorry I was I couldn't fix things, but I loved him more than anything else in the world.

The void in my life and heart is huge, I cannot believe he's gone. My grief is immense and I don't know how long it's going to take for me to work through this pain, it's overwhelming and devastating.

I miss you so much Dexter, I love you with my whole heart and soul and I'm so grateful you chose me to spend your life with and I know you haven't really left me, I know you will be with me always and I will see you again one day. Love you my baby.

Comments for A Tribute to Miniature Schnauzer Dexter

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Oct 29, 2013
My World
by: Wellen

Saturday my joy and my world were lost when my 8 year old Miniature Schnauzer Piper Ann passed away. Piper was the victim of the dog treats the FDA is just NOW trying to get of the shelves. She wasnt just my dog...she was my baby, my shadow, my everything. Im at a huge loss for finding means to cope because I am so overwhelmed with grief. Please KNOW where your fur babies treats are made...NEVER give them ANYTHING made outside of the US...or even make your own. I am absolutely devastated. ...if anyone has any suggestions on how to cope with grief please feel free to pass that information along..right now I am just not doing so good :(

Feb 17, 2013
you will see him again
by: jeff

rainbow bridge does exist, have faith, we will all be reunited with our babies.

May 08, 2012
My loss on Thursday
by: Kim

I had to have my best friend of 13 years put to sleep on Thursday 3 May 2012. Her name was Tummy and she was a 13 year old Miniature Schnauzer who also had liver cancer. I'm sitting here crying wishing I could have done anything to save her. It hurts so bad knowing she's gone. She was such a kind and gentle dog. I can't even move her food dish or vacumn the floor where she use to lay because it hurts and I feel like I'm losing her all over again as little physical bits of her life disappear from my life. I will be bring her ashes home and keeping them by my bed. I have a picture of her above my computer and one on my cell phone that I look at often. I hope that all who suffer from the lose of a beloved pet find peace at some point.

Mar 31, 2012
Schnauzers do Rule!!!
by: Dina

I lost my schnauzer, Willow, 2 years ago to lymphoma. What I wouldn't have done to heal her! My heart aches for you as I can only imagine the pain you feel. They become our children and "pet" mate. My girl is in an urn in the den with the family as she was every night. I have a "Willow" garden dedicated to her with all types of butterfly bushes and flowers. Each time a butterfly flutters by, I know she's sending me love and kisses.

Jul 31, 2011
Thank You All
by: Dexter's Mom

I wanted to say thank you all again for the sweet and lovely comments and condolences you've left for me and Dexter. It's been just about 5 months since he's been gone, and sadly it still feels like it just happened. It's been so hard for me, the grieving process has been intense and lengthy, but working with a grief counselor has been helping. It's so comforting to receive such amazing support from people I don't even know but who care so much and understand how painful it is to lose a baby like Dexter.

To those of you who have commented and have lost a baby of your own, my heart goes out to you all and I'm so sorry for your losses. My heart goes out to you, and I know your pain all too well. You are all in my thoughts and I think that all of our kids are now playing together at Rainbow Bridge, just having fun until we show up to be reunited with them.

Thank you all again so much from the bottom of my heart, your comments really are so heartfelt and lovely, I appreciate them more than you could ever know.

(Dexter's mommy)

Jul 30, 2011
Ashley and Dexter
by: Sharon

It has been 10 years since I lost my 16 year old Min Schauzer, Dusty, with a similar experience. The surgery, except his was a blood carcinoma on his liver, the size of baseball. He lived for 4 years after his surgery and I was told it was not malignat, but it came back when he was 15 years of age. You never get over the pain, I am sitting her crying my eyes out after reading your story, I empathize with you, and only wish we could bring them back. Maybe someday we will all be re-united. I now have 5 minis, but I miss my first one still so much.

Jul 23, 2011
my loss tonight
by: josiefl

I lost my friend - my best friend tonight. He was 14 yesterday. He wasnt just a schanuzer - he was m family - someone special - and you knokw - i loved him so much from the moment i saw him - he changed my life. he loved his family and i will miss him every day for the rest of my life. Spunky - July 21 1997 - July 22 2011 - born: ovrlook Park, KS - died - Punta Gorda, FL - You were loved my sweet boy.

Mar 14, 2011
For You and Dexter
by: Josie

Me and my little angel Greta send you our deepest sympathies. Greta is also a rescue that we adopted when she was 3.5 years old. Your Dexter was so beautiful and we are sure he brought so much joy to you and all that he met. Our prayers and love are with you at this most difficult time.

Mar 11, 2011
Prayers for Dexter and family
by: Nancy

My heart and prayers are with you during your time of sadness. Our schnauzers bring such joy to us, it is so difficult when they leave. It sounds as if he had a very good life with you, and you will remember those times. Take time to take care of yourself! Big hugs.

Mar 11, 2011
We share your pain
by: Steph

Reading your tribute for Dexter made me teary and sad. I lost my miniature schnauzer Fay Fay a month ago and I am still deeply sad by his departure. Like you I feel a void in my heart and I wonder when the tears will stop.

I am sure Fay Fay and Dexter are playing happily in Rainbow Bridge now, free from pain and old age. Take care.

Mar 08, 2011
Fighting Back the Tears Right Now
by: Judy

I just want to tell you that words can't express my sorrow that you lost your little dog Dexter. You just have to remember that you gave him just as much love and affection as he gave to you AND you obviously did all you could to try and keep him alive and well. Let's all hope there is truly a doggie heaven too. I have a little 1-1/2 year old male mini-schnauzer named Rex and before him, I lived alone bcuz my kids are young adults now. This little dog is a comedian and never ceases to amaze me how smart, loving and protective he is, yet he loves kids and NEVER MEETS A STRANGER. I THANK GOD EVERY DAY FOR BRINGING HIM TO ME AND I CANNOT EVEN "GO THERE" TO THINK THAT I MAY OUTLIVE HIM.
You must be truly grief strickened and I will pray for you that the pain subsides a little bit for you each day. Dexter was an adorable dog. God bless him and YOU!

Mar 03, 2011
He is in heaven with Saint Francis (the saint of animals)
by: Anonymous

We lost our beautiful Sheltie (Michel Angelo)four years ago and waited a year before we got another dog. He was 14 and 1/2 years when he started to have medical problems I have an 8 x 10 picture (which is the cover of the book, Dogs 24/7)and it is displayed always. When we were ready to get another one, my children insisted that we get a Schnauzer and so my daughter went on the internet to see if carolinaschnauzers.com, where she got her Schnauzer had any for sale. We were so lucky that they were selling a 10 lb black girl, 2 and 1/2 years old that had 2 litters and both litters died so they put her up for sale. She is the love our life. People think I'm crazy when I say that no amount of money could buy her from us. I will pray to St. Francis that your sorrow will send you to get another dog for Angus and Dexter will be wagging his tail in heaven if you do. I do believe that all dogs go to heaven. Wipe your tears and give extra hugs and kisses to Angus because he is grieving too. Our little girl is named Annie and it will be very sad someday to part with her. She will be six on April 23rd.

Mar 03, 2011
With Deepest Sympathy

I offer you my sincere condolences for the loss of your wonderful Dexter. As I have a mini myself, it touches my heart to hear a story such as yours. We are lucky to experience the love of a pet and own the memories forever.

Mar 03, 2011
by: ElviaTejada

The only thing I can say to you is sorry.

Mar 03, 2011
For Dexter
by: Adam's Mom

My beloved Adam died with the same type of growth....deemed harmless at first, and then the dreaded word "cancer"...He was my partner in life..we did obededience, agility, and earthdog..He had lost his right eye to the same type of growth at age 3, but nothing stopped him. I feel his loss every day, as I am sure you do. They are never far away from you. I am so sorry for your loss.....You were his true "soul-mate" when you rescued him, and gave him his wonderful life. He will always be with you...when you feel a light touch on your leg, or a breeze goes by your hand, you will know he is near. I will send up a prayer for you, and know you are in my heart.

Mar 03, 2011
I can only imagine...
by: Daisy and Lucy's Mom

Your story has really touched me as I have 2 beautiful mini-schnauzers and can only imagine what my grief would be like if they were not with me. You are in my thoughts as you go through this painful time. Take care of Angus, he needs your strength.

Mar 03, 2011
I am so sorry
by: Ginger

Dexter was a lucky shcnauzer to have been loved by you. Having had to let several of my schnauzers go I know how big the hole in your heart is. Althyough Dexter will never be forgotten, time will heal the pain you are felling right now. You will slowly start to remember the good times with Dexter and what a wonderful dog he was.

Mar 03, 2011
by: Lucy's Mom

I am so sorry for your loss, having lost my mini schnauzer Lucy 10 months ago I so feel your pain :(

Mar 02, 2011
by: Emily

I am so sorry for your loss.We lost our little Greta6 months ago to cushings.The one happy note that i can think of is one day we will see her again at the bridge and you will see Dexter again.

Feb 28, 2011
My heart breaks for you
by: Anonymous

My heart really does hurt for you. This is such a hard thing to deal with, and I wish I was there to hug you : ( the grief is going to be so hard for a while, but you and Angus together will get thru it. He doesn't understand but he is sad too & will work hard to make you happy. Bond with him & remember that Dexter is watching & always with you. <3

Feb 27, 2011
Thank You
by: Dexter's Mom

I wanted to thank everyone for the lovely, sweet comments and condolences on Dexter's page. It's been 5 days since he's been gone and it feels like 5 seconds, my grief is overwhelming. I look for him in all his usual spots and it's so heartbreaking to not find him. I got his ashes back Friday in a beautiful urn with his photo on it and it does bring some small comfort to have him back home. I put his collar on his favorite toy, an elephant named Mr. Elephante (pronounced Elephantay) that he had for about 7 years. I sleep with Mr. Elephante every night, it smells like Dex and makes him feel closer. I do have another dog, Angus, a Brussels Griffon, and he feels the loss as well, I can tell he is sad and he's looking for his brother too. He was here with me during the entire thing but I know he still doesn't understand, I think he still expects his brother to come back home. I know I need to be strong for Angus and I'm doing my best, but the pain is so deep. I can only hope that with time things will get better, because right now I feel like I'm going to be sad forever.

Feb 25, 2011
by: Traci - Sookies Mom

I am so saddened by your storey. I am wiping tears away as i type this. This really does hit home. It makes me appreciate my puppy all the more.
R.I.P. sweet beautiful Dexter.

Feb 25, 2011
by: Ramona

Your story brought tears to my eyes. I know your pain so well having lost two of my best friends to cancer. Sheba of liver cancer in March 2009 and then my Miniature Schnauzer, Spike to cancer seven months later in October 2009. They were my four-legged children who left big paw prints all over my heart. I'm still missing them every single day, but like many others I do believe we will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. Our babies bring so much joy to us here on Earth, but they sure leave big holes in our hearts after they're gone. It changes our lives forever. If you need support please email me at ramona@alln.org.

Feb 24, 2011
If only words could fill the void
by: Kat Bradeis

Please know I send my prayers and thoughts your way. Only those of us who have been blessed with the love of an animal can realize what an impact they make in our hearts and minds. It often times seems unfair that we have been loaned such wonderful earthbound angels for such a brief period of time - yet it also seems amazing the lessons of love they leave behind.
I am a firm believer that we will be reunited once again - and I know that Dexter is happily running and playing and wondering why so many tears are shed - as he is now pain free and awaiting the reunion of his best friend.
Sending prayers!

Feb 24, 2011
The loss of Dexter
by: H. Barry

I'm sorry for your loss of Dexter. Schnauzers are great companions. Dexter sounds like he was a wonderful little guy. I'm sending you lots of hugs.

Feb 24, 2011
Good Boy, Dexter!
by: Anonymous

It is the truth that the very heart they capture is the one that will be broken on that most sad of days when we have to say goodbye. Just remember Dexter loved you in life and is waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge. You will find the best of him in so many memories he has left behind for you. I wish you healing as you look to the days ahead.

Feb 24, 2011
Dexter will always be with you.
by: Joey

Dexter will always be with you. His spirit lives within you along with all your beautiful memories.
You will see him again and he will run to you and give you kisses just like the first day you both met.

Feb 24, 2011
....No words can express ...
by: Tanya

My words are so inadequate to express to you, how I understand about the loss of your dog, and the huge hole it leaves in your heart.
I am so sorry you had to go through what you did.
I dread when that day comes for me. I love my little girl dearly and never want to lose her.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Most Sincerely,

Feb 24, 2011
Our condolences
by: Susan

I am so sorry for your loss. I can understand the raw grief you are feeling. Schnauzers by nature are a cuddly loyal breed and after losing my Gunter last month to Cushing's disease, it feels like an empty void now resides where he should be.
My other mini, Gracie, feels the loss, too. Please know that Dexter is no longer hurting and you are now free from making the hard decisions for him. Each day gets a little easier. May God bless you.

Feb 24, 2011
Thank You
by: Helenann

Thank you for being Dexter's mommy and guardian. I,too, know what it feels like to have the 'C' word take my partner in crime...the pain was/is excrutiatingly real and was only aleviated for me one breath at a time. And when I couldn't breathe (like the first day back to work after I put him down), I wept and prayed outloud the serenity prayer. I couldn't change the cancer, but I could accept it and live my life the way Kirby would have wanted me to live.
I think Kirby and Dexter and Anna's Gus (a good friend of mine, Anna) are all looking down on their 'ladies' and wishing us peace...

Feb 24, 2011
My Deepest Sympathy!
by: Sarah Bealko

I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

I had to have our 5 year old mini dachshund laid to rest in November. He had a heart mur mur, seizures, knee surgery, and his front legs were deformed. I thought I got him from a good breeder but, later found out that my poor dog was inbread. We put so much into him and it was all worth it because we at least had 5 years with him. The seizures were so bad that it blew out 2 discs in his back causing so much pain that we had no choice but to put him down.

My heart goes out to you. I remember all to well the empty feeling that takes over you. I still cry every time I see a dachshund on tv on the internet or just looking at his pictures. His name was Koegel Vienna and he was such a great dog.

We now have our very first Mini Schnauzer. Wow has she filled my heart again. I will always miss Koegel and I'll never for get him. It's almost as if Flossy can feel what I feel. She's 5 months old and I hope she lives a very long time. She's very special to us.

I send my thoughts and prayers your way. There's nothing like losing your best friend. Hang in there.


Feb 24, 2011
My heart goes out to you
by: Tammy

It is never easy to loose something you have worked so hard to keep. You gave him what he needed most and that is a mom, play buddy and a caretaker. He had the greatest gift from you which is life and the freedom to live it. I hope your heart is lifted in some way with these thoughts and that someday you may find the passion to love again like you did with Dexter. What a beautiful schnauzer he was and always will be!

Feb 24, 2011
So sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss of your gorgeous little Dexter. I lost my little girl Tia last August and my world fell appart. I too had to make the decision to let her go and again it was at home in my arms, her favourite place. I still grieve for her and don't think I will ever 'get over it'. It's just something I have learnt to accept. Some days are worse than others and other days I am comforted in knowing I gave her a very loving home and she enriched my life in so many ways. She was my soul mate, companion, best friend, play mate how could I live without her.I send you the biggest hug becaue I know you need one. Cry when you have too, smile for him when you have the strength to remember the briiliant times you had together. It will get easier I know that's so very hard to imagine right now. It's like riding the biggest storm of emotions but one day the sun will begin to shime for you little by little and you will smile again when you think of him and Dexter will be there by your side smiling with you. I hope I have been of some comfort to you. Love and Light to you and Little Dexter. xxx

Feb 24, 2011
I'm so sorry
by: April K

May he rest in peace, knowing all the love you gave him over the years. May peace be in your heart, knowing you did all you could do.

Feb 24, 2011
Thinking of you
by: Anonymous

Crying as I send you my sympathies. Sending gentle hugs and thoughts and prayers to you.

Feb 23, 2011
by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

My heart aches for you. Tears came as I read your story. Cancer is such a horrible disease, and it's hard to believe it can rear its ugly head on such innocence. You and your beloved Dexter will be in my thoughts and prayers. I will light a candle in memory of Dexter. Dexter's a beautiful representation of the mini-Schnauzer breed.

Feb 23, 2011
I am so sorry.
by: Anna, Max and Penny

I so feel your pain. On March 31, 2010 I had to let my beloved Gus to to my husband at Rainbow Bridge, Gus was 7. In July he had lumps under his chin and the tests proved to be lymphoma cancer, the treatment is chemo with a chance of 9 months to a year with more than likely return. After much soul searching I decided not to torture him further. Working with the CSU oncologists we put him on prednisone and I researched diets like crazy. He was in no pain, he had a few days he didn't feel well. But on that last day, he was staggering and lethargic and the look in his eye told me it was time. It was as bad as when I lost my husband 3 years ago. Max, our other schnauzer looked for him for months, our hearts are not really healed yet and I doubt they will--he will always be in my heart. And I know he and my husband are waiting for us at Rainbow Bridge. Just like your Dexter lives in your heart. I am so sorry for your loss, I know your pain. Be thankful that our Lord thought us good enough to take care of such a precious creature and rejoice in the wonderful memories you have. So sorry.

Feb 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

So sorry to hear :( I have a schnauzer and this really hits home

so sorry

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