Miniature Schnauzer OLIVER

Looking good after a grooming!!

Looking good after a grooming!!

Hi, my name is Oliver. I have lived with my pawrents and my fur brother Bailey for the last six years since I was adopted from Bide Awhile Animal Shelter. Apparently my previous owners got divorced and couldn't or wouldn't keep me. My name then was Zulu but my mom didn't like that name at all. Anyway I lucked out since I now have a brother and two pawrents who take us to the beach every day, play ball with us, fenced in the yard so we have a safe place to play and generally give us everything a spoiled dog should have. BOL!!!

My mom says that I have convinced her that the mini schnauzer is a super breed. Small enough to take almost anywhere but with a big dog attitude. No need to worry about someone sneaking into your yard with a mini on the job. No need to worry about varmints with a mini patrolling the yard. Yup I'm just about indispensable around here although I am aided by my trusty sidekick, Bailey. Since he is older and was here first Bailey would probably claim that I am the sidekick but we all know that mini schnauzers like to think of themselves as top dogs. BOL!!

Comments for Miniature Schnauzer OLIVER

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by: Sabrina

Hi Oliver

You are definitely not the sidekick in your house but very sweet of you to let Bailey think he is since he was there first.

You are one smart dog and I am glad you are finally in a home that will take you to the beach with them and show you lots of love.

Your a "Top Dog" for sure
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Hi Oliver, we love the name. You look pretty sharp with your new hair cut. You are the top dog in our eyes.

by: Uno

Oliver is such a sweetie

Oliver . . .
by: KG~Ebenezer's "mom"

With a name like Oliver, he's got to be great! He's a cutie, too!

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